Lucie Horsch & Rachel Podger

A musical conversation between the youngest ever Dutch Music Prize laureate and the queen of the baroque violin: that promises synergy at its finest! The recorder and violin find each other here in a relay game on baroque notes and timeless folk melodies. From Bach and Telemann to tunes from John Playford's handbook The English Dancing Master: seriousness and fun go hand in hand masterfully in this dance-like program.

price from
from €22.00 (Regular)
from your location

On Saturday 8 June, baroque violinist Rachel Podger will give a masterclass you can attend as a listener. More information on this and how to order tickets can be found here.

Here, you will find Lucie Horsch & Rachel Podger

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
Heuvel Galerie 140
5611 DK Eindhoven
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Starting point: from your location

Dates and times

  • Thursday the 30th of may 2024 at 20:15Tickets


  • Regular from €22.00 to €32.00

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