De Kempenzoom

Unique recreation park on the edge of the Brabantse Kempen.

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Unique recreation park on the edge of the Brabantse Kempen.

Nature-rich De Kempenzoom is located in Middelbeers, in the municipality of Oirschot. Oirschot is located between Tilburg and Eindhoven. Middelbeers is surrounded by a beautiful natural area with forests, heathlands, monumental buildings, streams, and the river De Beerze. With respect for nature, a unique chalet park has been created on the edge of the Brabantse Kempen. The location of the recreational grounds is ideal for people who love space and tranquility. Near the De Kempenzoom chalet park, there are various cycling routes and hiking trails.

This is how to reach De Kempenzoom

Kuikseindseweg 31
5091 TC Middelbeers
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