Strijp-S Walk: during Feelgood Market

Discover Strijp-S, transformation of a unique former Philips area. The former (also national monumental) factory buildings have been transformed into a dynamic living, working and cultural area.


until 15 September

See all dates and times
price from
from €12.50 (Regular)
from your location

Discover Strijp-S, transformation of a unique former Philips area.
The former (also national monumental) factory buildings have been transformed into a dynamic living, working and cultural area.

Here, you will find Strijp-S Walk: during Feelgood Market

Philitelaan 63-01
Plan your route

Starting point: from your location

Dates and times

  • Sunday the 18th of august 2024
  • Sunday the 15th of september 2024


  • Regular €12.50

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