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Between 1910 and 1965, many special advertising designs were made for Philips. Well-known artists and designers designed posters, leaflets and other graphic work.


until 10 March

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Between 1910 and 1965, many special advertising designs were made for Philips. Well-known artists and designers designed posters, leaflets and other graphic work. The Philips Museum in Eindhoven offers a beautiful exhibition about these heydays of graphic art. Eyecatchers shows original prints and some preliminary studies.

Early advertising
Philips valued the importance of advertising early on. The first striking posters appear around 1910. Well-known artists and designers are given assignments without too many restraints, which results in a wide variety of works. Louis Kalff, the first design director of Philips, introduces the standardized typography of the company name, and with this the designs become more harmonious. After the arrival of radio in the 1920s and the increasing prosperity in the post-war period, graphic advertising is booming. From the 1960s, however, illustrations increasingly make way for photography.

Original designs
The Philips Museum shows origina…

Between 1910 and 1965, many special advertising designs were made for Philips. Well-known artists and designers designed posters, leaflets and other graphic work. The Philips Museum in Eindhoven offers a beautiful exhibition about these heydays of graphic art. Eyecatchers shows original prints and some preliminary studies.

Early advertising
Philips valued the importance of advertising early on. The first striking posters appear around 1910. Well-known artists and designers are given assignments without too many restraints, which results in a wide variety of works. Louis Kalff, the first design director of Philips, introduces the standardized typography of the company name, and with this the designs become more harmonious. After the arrival of radio in the 1920s and the increasing prosperity in the post-war period, graphic advertising is booming. From the 1960s, however, illustrations increasingly make way for photography.

Original designs
The Philips Museum shows original prints of posters, brochures, bookmarks and more. The exhibition invites you to look at special details and offers extensive background information. In addition, some original designs in gouache can be seen next to the final printed matter.

Famous designers
With its own designers and commissions to artists, Philips shows that art and advertising form a perfect match. Eyecatchers shows work by Louis Kalff, Mathieu Clement, Albert Hahn, Paul Schuitema and Cassandre, among others.

A.M. Cassandre (1901-1968) is one of the biggest names in poster art. He became world famous with his railway and shipping posters. In 1931 he designs a poster for Philips Miniwatt radio tubes and twenty years later for Philips television. The latter can be seen in the exhibition, as well as a packaging box for radio tubes from the 1930s.

From the period after the Second World War, work by Jan Wijga, Emmerich Weninger and Willy Pot is on display. Also special are the works of two female designers who managed to keep afloat in a world dominated by men at the time, Mary Aubele and Sini Beer.

With thanks to Frans Wilbrink and the heirs of designer Mathieu Clement, among others, for the use of their collections.

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Emmasingel 31
5611 AZ Eindhoven
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