Jan Visser Museum

The Jan Visser Museum focuses on the agricultural past before the mechanization with collections of objects from the old trades.

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from €3.50 (Adults)

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The Jan Visser Museum focuses on the agricultural past before the mechanization with collections of objects from the old trades.
In 1998, the museum started collecting objects from the trades of old. Come and marvel at the machinery and tools from butcher shops, smithies and cobbler's workshops.
A recently opened exhibition on the premises at the Keizerin Marialaan shows the old material of the municipal fire department and various company fire departments.
The Jan Visser Museum was established thanks to the passion of Mr. Jan Visser. For forty years of intensive contact with the Brabant farmers, he managed to collect a large amount of tools and instruments for future generations.
Thanks to the cooperation with the city of Helmond and many sponsors, the collection has been on display since 1983 in a farm-style building at a wonderful location.
The museum is completely maintained by volunteers.

This is how to reach Jan Visser Museum

Keizerin Marialaan 5
5702 NR Helmond
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Opening times

  • Every monday from 13:00 to 17:00
  • Every tuesday closed
  • Every wednesday closed
  • Every thursday from 13:00 to 17:00
  • Every friday closed
  • Every saturday closed
  • Every sunday from 13:00 to 17:00


  • Adults €3.50


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