Castle Asten

A number of Dutch noble families such as Van Cuyck and Van Brederode are connected to the fifteenth-century castle in Asten-Heusden. In the '30s, the castle was in a dilapidated state. Baron Clemens Ernest Alexander van Hövell van Westervlier and Weezevel

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A number of Dutch noble families such as Van Cuyck and Van Brederode are connected to the fifteenth-century castle in Asten-Heusden. In the '30s, the castle was in a dilapidated state. Baron Clemens Ernest Alexander van Hövell van Westervlier and Weezeveld started restoration works in 1935. His daughter lady Elisabeth and son-in-law Alexander van der Heyden moved in in 1941. They were forced to flee during the liberation. In the early morning of 5 October 1944, after the liberation, a German patrol set fire to the castle with phosphorus shells.

This is how to reach Castle Asten

Kasteellaan 1
5725 AD Heusden Gem Asten
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