Voedselbos Het Loonse Bos

Voedselbos Het Loonse Bos (The Loon Food Forest) is situated between the nature areas of IJzeren Man and Loon and Drunen Dunes National Park.

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Voedselbos Het Loonse Bos (The Loon Food Forest) is situated between the nature areas of IJzeren Man and Loon and Drunen Dunes National Park. Here, the completely depleted soil of a former asparagus field has been transformed into a vibrant food forest. This food forest offers a habitat for a range of birds and insects and will supply lots of delicious food. The plot is three hectares in size of which two hectares are set up for production and the third hectare will be given a mainly educational character.

This is how to reach Voedselbos Het Loonse Bos

Loonse Baan 2
5268 KT Helvoirt
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