Events calender

Want to do something fun in North Brabant? Find some inspiration for a day or evening out. The events calendar shows you exactly what there is to do today, this weekend, and what is coming up. Find an event in the area and plan your outing in North Brabant.

Visit an exhibition, go to a concert or a show at the theatre or wander through a jumble sale. The events calendar also lists sports events, organised walking and cycle tours and the festival agenda. There is plenty to do the whole year round in North Brabant!

What are you looking for?


25 to 48 of 57 results

  • Brabantsedag Heeze: The biggest theatre parade of the year!

    Brabantsedag Heeze: The biggest theatre parade of the year!

    Sunday 25 August

    in Heeze

  • Zundert Flower Parade

    Zundert Flower Parade

    1 and 2 September

    in Zundert

  • Misty Fields

    Misty Fields

    6 until 8 September

    in Asten-Heusden

  • Mierlo fair at 't Huukske

    Mierlo fair at 't Huukske

    Friday 6 September

    in Mierlo

  • Petting Zoo's 38th Anniversary

    Petting Zoo's 38th Anniversary

    Sunday 8 September

    in Geldrop

  • Markt Groen Deurne

    Markt Groen Deurne

    Sunday 8 September

    in Deurne

  • BredaPhoto


    13 September until 3 November

    in Breda

  • H2O Festival

    H2O Festival

    Saturday 14 September

    in Helmond

  • Camp Victory | 14 t/m 21 sept 2024

    Camp Victory | 14 t/m 21 sept 2024

    14 until 22 September

    in Best

  • Oldtimer bromfietsbeurs de Vette Bougie

    Oldtimer bromfietsbeurs de Vette Bougie

    Sunday 15 September

    in Milheeze

  • Freedom Run – Liberty Loop

    Freedom Run – Liberty Loop

    Sunday 15 September

    in Geldrop

  • Scouting Deurne - Jubileum ReĂĽnie

    Scouting Deurne - Jubileum ReĂĽnie

    Saturday 21 September

    in Deurne

  • Culture Festival - Cultuurcentrum

    Culture Festival - Cultuurcentrum

    Sunday 29 September

    in Deurne

  • Cultuurfestival - De Wieger

    Cultuurfestival - De Wieger

    Sunday 29 September

    in Deurne

  • Toys & children's clothing fair

    Toys & children's clothing fair Toys & children's clothing fair Aarle-Rixtel

    Sunday 6 October

    in Aarle-Rixtel

  • Opendag Peellandse Molen

    Opendag Peellandse Molen

    Sunday 6 October

    in Asten

  • Open Bedrijvendag Laarbeek

    Open Bedrijvendag Laarbeek Open Bedrijvendag Laarbeek

    Saturday 12 October

    in Beek en Donk

  • Festival Circolo

    Festival Circolo

    18 until 27 October

    in Tilburg

  • Dutch Design Week

    Dutch Design Week

    19 until 27 October

    in Eindhoven

  • *Dutch Open Taekwondo Championships

    *Dutch Open Taekwondo Championships

    19 and 20 October

    in Eindhoven

  • GLOW Festival

    GLOW Festival

    9 until 16 November

    in Eindhoven

  • IJsfestijn Deurne

    IJsfestijn Deurne

    13 December 2024 until 5 January 2025

    in Deurne

  • Christmas fair

    Christmas fair

    Sunday 15 December

    in Eersel

  • Kerstevent 2024

    Kerstevent 2024

    Sunday 22 December

    in Gemert

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