Radically Mine! - A first podium for young artists from Eindhoven

Where is your foundation, what makes you who you are? And where do we find common ground? With these and other questions, more than 300 schoolchildren from Eindhoven and the surrounding area worked on the project Radically Mine!


until 6 June

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Where is your foundation, what makes you who you are? And where do we find common ground? With these and other questions, more than 300 schoolchildren from Eindhoven and the surrounding area worked on the project Radically Mine!

The theme of this 15th edition is common ground. The participants also drew inspiration from the Van Abbemuseum's collection. They each made a personal artwork about what connects them. A selection of the works is on display in the exhibition Radically Mine! There, they literally bring their ideas into the limelight and show their vision to a wider audience. 

"It's very cool that young people get a chance to exhibit their art in a museum. And it was really nice to be taken seriously by everyone that helped organize Radically Mine!" - Esmee van Hoek, young artist and participant of Radically Mine! in 2023.

Here, you will find Radically Mine! - A first podium for young artists from Eindhoven

Stratumsedijk 2
5611 ND Eindhoven
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  • Daily until june 6th, 2024

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